
Powerpoint for Presentation #2


INTRODUCTION (1 min 10sec)
- There are times when I am faced with too many tasks to be done in a given time that seems too short for all of them to be completed on time, I feel anxious losing confidence, and I wish if someone could just pull me out of this doomed situation. People are not that strong, so sometimes we fail to resist the temptation of doing something fun rather than working, and procrastinate the tasks until it seems too late. That happens to me a lot. But in many casaes, the most regrettable thing, more than anything, is the fact that I waste so much time on regretting, thinking about “what I didn’t/couldn’t” do and cannot move on. So today, I will give you a suggestion, mainly based on my personal experience (which works for me), on how to get yourself moving on when you feel absolutely hopeless but really need to get things done. There are three points that I want to make through this presentation, first, EXPLODE your emotion, second, EXAMINE the situation, and third, TRUST yourself.

- Now my first point is to “let your emotion EXPLODE”. This step was meant to get all of your negative emotion that arises no matter how hard you try to suppress (such as anxiety, anger, frustration) out of your mind, so that you can clear your mental state that was keeping you away from moving forward. In doing this, the important point is to find someone who “agrees” and “accept” your feeling, because if it was not accepted, it does not go away. If you really cannot find anyone who can listen to you, you can try writing it down on a sheet of paper and look at them objectively and become the one to accept it yourself!

EXAMINE (3min/1min)
- Once you have “EXPLODED” and cleared your mind, now it is time to “EXAMINE” the situation and try to find what you can do from now on. The situation includes the “task” itself and your “current capacity” and these two must be examined so that you can narrow down the gap between “what to do” and “what you can do” now. Suppose that you have a bag of certain size, which represents your capacity, and there is a huge object (something like fish?), which in turn represents the task, not even a part of it wouldn’t fit. However, if you break them down into pieces and take ones that are most important, some of them will fit at least. Even if you have the same amount of task and capacity, the way you treat it will affect how much you can actually do. So, put aside what you “cannot” do while you are working on what you “can” do!

TRUST (4min/1min)
- Now my last point is the most difficult but most important thing: to “TRUST yourself”. Once you have narrowed down the gap between “what to do” and “what you can do” in the “EXAMINE” section, it is time for you to trust that you can do whatever you chose to do. Since too much doubt on your ability increases stress and prevent you from concentrating on the task, trusting yourself becomes a key in drawing out your potential fully and doing the “BEST” you can. We need to be aware of the fact that the capacity itself fluctuates a lot depending on the surrounding environment, and we tend to lose confidence along the way, but in that case, go back to the EXAMINE process and figure out what other options you may have.

CONCLUSION (5min/1min)
- So we have looked at three points of EXPLODE, EXAMINE and TRUST and I want to make a point that doing everything perfectly is not necessarily more valuable than doing your best. It is very important to complete all tasks on time, though when it becomes difficult and you feel stuck, doing whatever you can do is also important in these cases. And do not worry too much if you fail to follow these steps because it requires some practices to examine the situation with accuracy and only experience can tell what to do. Even if you fail, try to reflect on yourself and analyse your characteristics of your working style so that you can make improvements for next time. Keeping these in mind, when you are hopeless but willing to move on, think of these three steps EXPLODE, EXAMINE, TRUST and develop your own techniques of dealing with doomed situation step by step.

Thank you for listening and since we seem to have 1 to 2 minutes left for Q&A, if you have any questions please raise your hand.


{Reflective Comments}
My main focus of this presentation was to become "well-prepared" with several times of rehearsals though the reality was that I only had two times of rehearsals and I could not memorise or get used to the script reading. As a result, the amount of eye-contact was lessened and I fell into the trap of "reading" instead of "presenting".
At the same time, reduction of unecessary body movement was done through holding the script and also, time management became successful through rehearsals using the scripts and giving specific time range for each section. In terms of visuals, it seems that it helped the audience to understand my points better but could have been improved so that they can give more impression to them.
The organisation of the presentation, I thought, was good so "eye-contact" and "attractive visuals" will be my main focus for making improvements.

{Goals for Future Presentations}
For future presentations, I would like to practice more if I were to use script for the entire presentation or I can make more simplified notes (bullet-form etc...) so that I will not have to look at the script for too long.
For the visuals, I will try to use something that not only provides help in comprehension but also attracts audience's attention and leave more impression on them.

8 件のコメント:

  1. Very well organized and prepared. You seemed to be quite relaxed, and confident! GJ mai chan!

    Suggestions: If you tried to make some more eyecontacts, it would have been a perfect one.

  2. Your presentation was really really persuasive and the way you talked was proffesional:) I liked every single point you gave us!

    Suggestions: Simplify your slides maybe? And As miki said more eyecontacts would have been great.

  3. The overall impression I got was that the whole presentation was neat! The images you used and the example of Tuna made it very easy to understand (:

    suggestions: maybe you could memorize the script a little bit more and as Kaya says, maybe simplifying the slides would be better.

  4. Things I liked:
    Your presentation was really organized. I liked your points and those are sticky for me. Also I think your graphs were nice to understand your point.

    Your first point was really impressive with your effective picture but the 2nd and 3rd were not so impressive as well as the 1st. Your graphs themselves were neat, hence you just can add some impressive gimmicks.

  5. It was well structured and we could tell that you have taken time to prepare for thie presentation. Your points were very persuasive and you have emphasized it well.

    Suggestions: Speak a bit slower and I also thought that it could have been really great if you have made eye contacts wit the audience

  6. It was very interesting and useful for me. and the voice was very easy to listen.

    The presentation was a little long and fast.
    Maybe it would be better to focus more on the important points.

  7. Things I liked:
    It was simple and helpful for us all. I liked the way you emphasized the important points.

    It could be better if you did rehearsal more so that you can speak more confidently.

  8. Impression: Great content. Well prepared, practical ideas. A little rushed.

    Things I liked:
    Explode, Examine, Trust were all clear to me, and Explode especially left and impression. Your Q&A management was very professional and confident as well.

    1. You seemed a little rushed, so a bit slower may have been better. Too much content for 5 min.?

    2. As you mentioned in your reflection, you weren't able to make eye contact as much as you wanted because you were "script dependent". Given your ability to speak, was the paper needed?

    3. At the end of your presentation, it is good to slow down and conclude a little more confidently, and wait for the applause. Give it a try!
