
Speech on "True Success" by John Wooden

- Voice Quality: Soft and easy voic to listen in general though he uses higher pitch to clearly emphasise important points such as "BE on time." and "what they SHOULD be".

- Speed/Rate: Slower and clearer when emphasising important points such as "That is success" and "The journey is better than the end". It also became rhythmical toward the end of the speech and sounded like a poem that may have effects of catching audience's attention.

- Vocabulary: Not much technical words are used and his word choice is very comprehensible. Repetition of certain words such as "patience" and "believe/trust" or phrases such as "never mention winning" and "never be late" makes it easier for audience to follow speakers main points. Use of indicative words such as "One is..." and "Third is..." was also effective.

- Gestures/Eye-contact: He is not reading off the script but he seems that he is speaking by heart. This led to increased eye-contact and his natural/modest gestures made us think that he is trustworthy.

- Content: Very inspiring content with a sense of humour. Many of his statements were backed up with his life experience and some quotes that are striking, making it more credible and interesting for the audience. Frank expressions such as "Have I rambled enough? ... I was told to shut up." give an impression of familiarity.

- Voice Quality: Sometimes pronunciation is not clear and pitch stays low/same for too long.

- Speed/Rate: sometimes too fast and sentences are not clearly separated by pauses making it hard to understand what is being said and also to think back for better understanding.

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