
AEP reflection

Final reflection on my Presentation Skill

a) What are the most valuable things you learned about the process of preparing and delivering presentations?

I've learnt how it is important to manage time appropriately and for doing that, we need to be prepared and well-rehearsed. However, writing the whole script may not always the best way but to have a bullet-form notes for checking key points may help me speak making eye-contact.
Another thing that I think is valuable is the visuals that are comprehensible and also impressive. I used to make powerpoint slides that are easy to see, easy to understand but usually boring and too neat. Through the course, I came to notice that visuals really counts and without good and impressive visuals, even if the content is great, it will not remain in audience's mind.

b) In what presentation skill areas do you feel you have made progress or improved your awareness?

I think that the process of preparation and rehearsal was the skill that I have improved the most. I have never done such a thing as a proper rehearsal before presentation. It was even fine without doing it beforehand but I now know that it really makes a difference in terms of time management, confidence, fluency and a comprehensible flow of the presentation.
Also, I was more careful about choosing images to show and my visual making skills improved. I am now asking myself why I need images, for what purpose, how do I present it to increase its effects.

c) What points do you want to improve further in your future presentations? How can you improve those?

I would like to speak more fluently and try to really "convey my message". In order to do this, I will have to really know what I am talking about and for that, asking for feedbacks from friends or teachers and also to rehearse it many times is important.
Also, Q&A management is another thing that I need to work on more. I have to be aware of the fact that I tend to talk for too long and in the end, I forget what the question was acually asking. Being more careful in catching the very "point" of the question and focus on answering that is my future goal.


Presenation #3 "ICU"

International Christian University
"Harmony in Diversity" through Liberal Arts

First 1-12 slides

Last 13-24 slides

a) The process of preparation and rehearsal
since our schedule did not match very well and all of us were very busy, we could not have done a group rehearsal outside of class that much. Though we were good in dividing up the work and also to comment on each other's ppt slides in order to further improve our cohesiveness and logical flow of the presentation.
I re-made my slides over and over so that they can be more effective and comprehensible. I rehearsed twice with notes (and not scprit this time) and I were able to find problems in logical flow and also the time management before the actual presentation.

b) The effectiveness of the introduction
We thought of beginning the presentation with something that can differentiate us from other groups. While other groups are using money for buying things and providing them to those who need them, we focused more of the importance of "People/Human resource" to give a certain impact that we are looking at problems from different perspective. The introduction of our key phrase "harmony in diversity" was also a good idea in making it easy to understand.
I tried to start it with asking the audience a question of "what we need to solve issues". Considering that we tend to focus on the actual objects that we might need for solving them but we make it clear that PEOPLE who use them are what is ESSENTIAL in solving the issues.

c) The persuasiveness and organization of the content in the body
We talked about the entire flow of the presentation and we think that we successfully made it cohesive and comprehensible. It was hard to achieve persuasiveness for raising funds on "education" which seems unrelated to those issues directly and we needed to make it clear how our Liberal Arts education was actually "vital" in solving the problem. Providing statistical information and more objective information (reliable source) was difficult compared to other topics.
I think I successfully made it clear that Liberal Arts education is indeed important and are actually related to problem solving and harmony in diversity.

d) The conclusion and Q&A
Since we did not do a complete reharsal together, transition from conclusion and Q&A was a little awkward. It was hard to answer questions in a group presentation because we may have different views on each and that may lead to confusion.
I forgot to confirm the question that was asked. I have this bad habit of answering for too long so I may have to be careful on that.

e) Use of visuals
At the beginning, our powerpoint slides were full of words and ineffective images but in the end, we made use of effective images, graphs, neat and easy to read sentences, and also metaphor.
I took such a long time on working on the visuals and I tried to make it look professional and trustworthy. For the first 3 or 4 slides, I was seeking to visually impress the audience and really catch their attention.

f) Body language: Eye contact, facial expression, gestures, and posture
We were more or less fine with eye-contact and noone was reading off the script too much. Gesture was reserved and calm.
I tried to make eye-contact more than the last presentation and I managed to do that though it was hard to look at everyone's faces and I have this tendancy to talk to the powerpoint slides. Gesture and posture was fine.

g) Use of voice
Our voice was clear and natural but maybe sometimes lacked fluency. We could have rehearsed more in order to solve this problem. We need to be more fluent and persuasive.
I tried to speak clearly with appropriate volume. I was fluent enough to convey meanings without problems. Emphasizing key words were effective.

h) Other points (as you like)
This topic was very difficult to make it persuasive since it is not something that is evidently problematic such as HIV/AIDS and Haiti. Although it was difficult, we tried to logically construct our presentation so that the audience will understand the importance of Liberal Arts education.